Sunday, April 27, 2008

Eternal Truth

“ What I Believe In" Date: March,1995.

Eternal Truth
Mr. President, fellow members & guests:

I am at privilege to present my 2nd speech before you; and the subject is ‘What I believe In’. I sincerely wish my beliefs are to your interest.

Unlike many others, we human are the distinguished creation of the nature. We are able to think, study, understand & choose what we want to be/to do. I believe we must make the fullest use of these of our ability through out the life with full understanding and knowledge.

I believe in the eternal truths of the life such as:

v We are born without our wish.

v The most precious of all – Our life – is the gift of God ‘Free-of-cost’.

v The life itself is a journey form start to finish at a very constant pace.

v We enter and exit this passage ‘Empty – Handed’.

v We make living by what we get BUT make life by what we give.

With the above facts, I believe to begin living, with the end in mind: By-

v Studying the precision & regularity or the cycle of nature.

v Understand my position in the cycle of nature in each given Circumstance.

v Choosing to contribute more to the nature by being creative.

v Even accept the death as an achievement.

Every dawn is the first day of the rest of the life. May God give me enlightenment & friends give me support to live what I believe in.

Thank you all very much.

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