Thursday, February 24, 2022

My Views

Dt. Jan 22, 2022

AWKAF needs to be abolished .. & its properties merged in Govt properties in Bharat



Dt. Jan 20, 2022

Democracy works without moral characteristic.. that’s why it is observed from USA to most European & developing country’s systems tem ruled by immoral parties & its mafia style fundings working only to benefit their donors, in absence of moral values..

Time to think about replacing the so called democracy with a system away from useless capitalism that kills moral values & creates destructive Rakshas .. 

From our history & culture of family unity, we learn the examples of self-less rulings like Ram-Rajya, that are governed by the Kings of the heights moral values with Ankush of knowledgeable Rishis over them..

That vision is represented by NaMo today but not supported by Samvidhaan that needs to be replaced as a starting point.


Dt. Jan 17, 2022

In Bhharat, all the sinners & defaulters of Rules live without fear..

By the Govt actions, they need to be subjected to cofestication of their rights & properties + cash whatever they have. Punishing by imprisonment is a waste of public money so it needs to be discouraged. Losing the citizenship rights to the anti-National need to be the fear of the highest degree. 

All criminals of Kashmir against Hindus need to be subjected to Strict Punishments for sure.. 

& there is a need to sue BBC for distorting Bharat’s map for not showing disputed territory of Kashmir & showing it across the globe as not the part of Bhaarat.

Jan 14, 2022

In Democracy, Ticket by party to the contesting candidate is mockery of the People’s Rule. 

Election commissioner need to deny such candidacy.. & insist on clear records of the candidates for their economical & social status including 5 yers of certified social services. Their propaganda platform need to be provided at unified norms by the Election commission at all expense paid from the central government. 

Such adoption can only cleanse the ongoing “Gunda-Gardi” from the system. Bhaarat can initiate such a vision for democracy like America to follow..


Dt. Jan 11, 2022

The situation is very clear.. 

like angrej did it in the Colonial world.. 

they commanded by sitting in the ruling chair.. 

Post independence, after giving Pakistan for muslims, residual Bharat by power of law, the Dhobi Ka Kutta need to cut to size by giving them green PP/Aadhar ID redundant their rights limited to servants, who can not vote, own business/property without 67 percent co-ownership of The Bhaartiya Hindu, have rither no rights to vote or they can vote for restricted matter with 20% weightage or less after the age of 33 + years, pay relatively 20% higher tax & renew their PP with the approval of their Hindu sponsor for the period of 3 years.

No Govt. Job for them beyond class 4 level that are not involved in any decision’s making. 

Such norms are followed in middle eastern Islamic countries.. the similar suitable norms need to be created & implemented 

Yes, it is possible.



This norms I lived from 1975 till 2009 & is still going on.. 

The locals don’t allow ex-Petriet’s community to integrate at all..

Like my younger daughter born in Dubai gets No birth rights like citizenship in M E countries..

They had money power at one stage.. that was the reason the ex-pet community tolerated such nonsense.. but most of them used ME as a launching pad to settle in western countries or say Austrellia.. & made the best for their lives.. 

Now the table is turning but still back at Bhaarat, by the system of rule.. moral norms are not protected.. so the tide is not turning back home.. people are Queuing to give up Nationality.. 

With such a huge youth power & productivity, the Govt is not able to control the free-fall of Rupee currency.. 

instead of going back from 65 to 50, $ in last say 7 years, to day quoted above Rs. 75/- is it’s proof ..

For an idiot like me, with heart-full of patriotism, for the balance say 15 years + life, place is of less importance.. peace & comfortable habbiting is chosen over patriotism. So I am in USA without return ticket this time.. 


Dt. Jan 09, 2022

Dt.Jan 08, 2022

राष्ट्रीयता पर आंदोलन खड़ा करनें से पहले संयुक्त सशक्त परिवार पर आंदोलन खड़ा करनें की आवश्यकता मुझे समझ में आती है क्यूँ कि राष्ट्र प्रधानमंत्री तक को सुरक्षा  नहीं दे सकता किंतु परिवार अपने सदस्यों को नहीं छोड़ सकता.. अवश्य सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है.. 

वैसे राज्य शासन चलाने के लिये लोकतांत्रिक व्यवस्था निष्फल साबित हुई है.. क्यूँ की उसका कोई चरित्र नहीं होता.. यथा राजा - तथा प्रजा.. चरित्र निर्माण के लिए राजा की आवश्यकता व उसके उपर ब्राह्मण धर्माचार्यों के अंकुश की आवश्यकता सही है.. ऐसा शास्त्रोक्त कथन में मेरा विश्वास है ..



Dt. Jan 07, 2022

यदि देश विरोधी ताक़तों द्वारा सारे क़ानून नियम प्रोटोकॉल ताक पर रखकर प्रधानमंत्री की सुरक्षा का चक्र तूट सकता है.. तो भारतीय प्रजा को कोई भी व्यवस्था में सहयोग दे कर सरकार पे भरोसा करनें की या कर भरनें की क्या आवश्यकता है?? 

अपने परिवार से सहयोग कर अपनी आमदनी का ज़रिया तथा सुरक्षा व्यवस्था स्वयं सँभाले तथा अपने आप को सरकारी बोज से मुक्त करें.. 


Feb 14, 2022

Greetings , 

After the second round of voting in UP, massive women crowd posed showing that they voted.. SP /BSP thought they are scoring their votes.. But the truth is that those hijab cleaded women voted against the minority interest to set themselves free of muslim orthodoxy to walk on the path of freedom.. More Muslim women are running after non-muslim bites to get married to live happy family life & enjoy persuading carrier oriented future, that is not permitted in their own culture.. 

Love is in the Air.. Life is good 😌 😊 


Feb 21, 2022

जीस मुसलमान को पंथनिरपेक्ष भारत में अपने पंथ के आचार के लिए क़ानूनी अधिकार चाहिए उसकी भारतीय नागरिकता रद्द की जाए..


Feb 22, 2022

२५% भारतीय आबादी के रोज़ाना ९ घंटे काम करने की उर्जा का पैसे रूपये में परिवर्तन होना चाहिए तथा “राष्ट्रीय नवनिर्माण कार्यक्रम” द्वारा हर घरमें उस उर्जा के उपयोग की अवेज में धनराशि पहुँचायी जानी चाहिए.. 

असलमें हर व्यक्ति को राष्ट्रीय नव निर्माण कार्यक्रम द्वारा कम से कम १० साल सरकारी वेतन अपनी सेवाओं की अवेज में मीलना चाहिए.. 

उसके पहेले.. हरेक युवा को दो साल एनसीसी ट्रेनिंग कंपलसरी होनी चाहिए ..

इनफ़्लेशन को नाथनें के लिए करेंसी पे एक्सपायरी तारीख़ छपनीं चाहिए.. 

इसका परिणाम ये होगा की करप्शन नहीवत् हो जायेगा व गुणवत्ता युक्त उत्पादन में वृद्धि होगी व संपूर्ण समाज का जीवन धोरण उच्च हो जायेगा..


Feb 23, 2022

नारी पर बूरी नज़र डालने वाले रावण अथवा दूर्व्यवहार करनें वाले दुर्योधन-दु:शासन को शस्त्रों से नाश करना शास्त्राज्ञा अनुसार धर्म माना गया … 

यही आज्ञानुसार स्त्रीओं के साथ दुर्व्यवहार करनें वाले मुसलमानों तथा विधर्मीओं का सशस्त्र आक्रमण से वध करना ये प्रत्येक हिंदू के लिए धर्माचारकी आज्ञा है.. इसमें क़ानूनी कार्रवाई की प्रतिक्षा  आवश्यक नहीं है..